Tag Archives: magical power

Why the Easter Bunny forgot the Reese’s Eggs..

Easter Pornography, these things make me so hot.

Easter Pornography, these things make me so hot.

Mom is weak, that is why. A basket full of Reese’s will undo everything I have been working for. The Bunny will not win, I banned the Reese’s Eggs. They are not allowed here. The kid can do without. You know what? She didn’t even notice because she was so spoiled with other things. That is a good thing because I could go through a pack of those bad boys in 60 seconds or less, and I am not talking one I am talking the ENTIRE freaking pack. Weight loss crisis adverted. Also, I want to know how a bunny can lay an egg, let alone an Egg so delicious that it could be the candy of the Gods?  I need to catch that Rabbit, he has to have some magical power that I could and should use in my favor. How can he not? Or at minimum I can use him to strike terror into thousands of little boys and girls. Have you ever noticed most kids look like they think they are going to be eaten alive in those Easter Bunny pictures us parents force them to sit through? I think kids are more afraid of the Easter Bunny than they are of Santa Clause.

Emma playing Skylanders

So far Easter Sunday has been a success. I did not eat the candy and have not even had the slightest inclination too. All the eggs were found minus one that I obviously hid far too well. I am sure that one of the cats will find it and roll it about the house, then I will find it. I am pretty sure it is just jelly beans so I know it won’t start smelling funny or melt and seep out of the egg so I can just worry about it later. Emma did not seem to mind that one could not be found. She was too worried about getting on the Wii and playing with her new Skylanders that were left in her basket this morning. She of course just discovered this game and there are so many characters that are out of production and cost 4 to 10 times the original amount. Should of jumped on the bandwagon a while ago. I honestly did not even know this game existed until less than a week ago. This is going to be one expensive hobby. I am sure we can pacify her with the $10 in stock characters for now. the guy she really wants the most is no longer made and selling for 60 plus dollars on eBay. Ouch! Maybe one day, kid, maybe one day. This is another reward I can give her for completion of tasks and chores around the house.

I hope each and every one of you enjoys your Easter Sunday with Family and Friends. And all you other “dieters” out there try your best to be good! We can do this. I am making dessert to take so I know I can have some. I am making an Angel Food Cake with a No-Sugar Added Fruit Compote with light whipped topping. See, you can still behave and have your dessert!

Time to have a late breakfast and get my workout in before I get to making my cake. Can’t miss a day of Les Mills Pump.


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