Monthly Archives: May 2014

So far So Good

So far the gym is going well. Slowly working my way up and adding a little time each visit. So far the current standing is 35 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of light weight training. Still working my way up, just don’t want to do it too quickly so I can gauge how my knee will handle it.  As of last night’s workout there has been no additional knee pain so that is a plus.  I plan on upping the cardio a little bit again tonight and possibly giving the red light therapy a go. I have been reading up on it and it sounds a bit like hocus pocus. Many comparisons to those vibrating belts from the 40’s. Just replace the vibrating belt with a platform. In now way do I believe that it will help with weight loss but maybe it could be relaxing?  If not tonight I will find out in the near future.

Is Red Light Therapy a glorified version of this? Who knows but I think I need to wear an outfit like these ladies are wearing to the gym tonight.

Is Red Light Therapy a glorified version of this? Who knows but I think I need to wear an outfit like these ladies are wearing to the gym tonight.

Trying to give this another go.

It has been a long time since I have been in the game. Honestly, I don’t recall when I was given the orders to sit on my rear and wait to work out. I think it has been 9 months. The waiting game has not been kind to me. Up a pant size (two pant sized depending on brand), my face is fairly rounded again and I feel sluggish and lazy. For a while my food choices were terrible. Take out became the norm once again. Oh the shame! Over the past few months I gradually cleaned up my diet and have been on track in that matter. Dropped a bit of weight. Not sure how much because I have yet to dust off the old torture device called the scale.

Still waiting to get into the specialist. It has been 5 months waiting for this one. The doctor told me until then I can do some sit down PT exercises while waiting to get in. This is very unsatisfying and discouraging. I have sat on my rear long enough and decided to take matters into my own hands for now. A proper diet has helped but I need to be active along with it. i happen to be one of those people who can’t lose the weight with diet alone. So the other night I signed up for a gym membership.

Doctor’s orders are to sit around but sitting here getting fatter and not being active can not be good for me either. The lack of activity doesn’t bode well with the psyche either. Don’t worry I am taking it easy and keeping anything that will affect my knees fairly low impact.

Yesterday new workout clothes needed to be purchased so Mr. Baby and I went and got 3 pairs of workout pants and 4 shirts. Every bit of workout gear in my  closet was from before he was born and let’s just say they are not too flattering to wear in public. Then last night I went to the most hated gym on the internet, Planet Fitness (the hours work for me and the price works with my budget) . Spent about a half hour on the bike then had to head home. I didn’t have much time available to spend there but something is better than nothing and I will take it.

Heading back to the gym tonight. For now my only goal is to go at least 3 nights a week and try my best to spend an hour there. No weight loss or fitness goals to begin with. The focus as of now is to get fitness back into my daily routine.


Getting through life one sip of wine at a time.


A Mother's fight for her sweet baby

Damn girl, that's a lot of fattitude

Healthy lifestyler and certified nutjob

learning to eat meal at a time!


A topnotch site

lulu lives healthy

Every new day is a chance to get healthy!

Healthy Girl Blog

An Australian Girl's Journey of Weight loss.

The Incredible Shrinking Shrinks

Two Therapists Lose It

A Fat Man's Journey (Working my way back...)

An Attempt to Journey from Fat to Fit in a Lifetime. Eat right, Eat less, Move more


My personal weight loss struggles and successes and things learned.

Shawn's Gut

On death row...

The Real Jeremy Holley

Writing About Whatever Is On My Mind


Wash, Rinse, Repeat: Tales of a recovering yo-yo dieter

Alan's Road to losing Weight

Starting Weight: 147.8lbs Goal Weight: 140lbs

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all things wedding

Life as I Know It

The ups, downs and in betweens of living