
Hi there, welcome to RoundToRavishing!

I suppose you would like to know a little bit about what goes on around here. I started this blog just over 3 years ago in order to document my weight-loss journey, then BAM life happened. So here I am another baby, some medical issues and some procrastinating later getting back on the blog horse.

What you can expect to see around here is another attempt to lose the extra poundage, some good food, a little wine talk (and beer too!) maybe a few crafts and random ramblings about my life.

Each day will have it’s own theme so be sure to check back and enjoy!

17 responses »

  1. Hello, I wanted to stop by to say thank you for following my blog. Have a great day!

  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Keep up the good. work.

  3. livepassionatelytonight

    Hi! I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. I have nominated you for a “Liebster award”. I hope you enjoy receiving it as much as I did! You can check out my blog for more info. http://livepassionatelytonight.wordpress.com/

  4. I like wedding planning too! I’m a wedding planner is San Diego 🙂

  5. Jo, I think you are a brave brave woman for sharing your journey with us all. I wish you continued success with your diet. You are an inspiration!

  6. Jo, You are an inspiration, not to mention a brave woman for doing this blog. I enjoy reading your journey. Good luck and keep up the good work! ❤

  7. Hi JoAnn, thanks for stopping by and following my blog.

    Looks like you have a very popular blog here, and with so many subscribers already! Good luck with your blog and your exercise and weight program.

  8. Good luck! I am sure you are going to do great! The blogging world is definitely super helpful to have around!

  9. I used you again! I nominated you for the Sunshine Award!

  10. Hi Joann, Great Profile. Just found your blog and really a great blog. You’re “Awesome” Happy to follow you. Hugs and love!!

  11. Good Morning! I nominated you for an “Inspirational Blogger” Award! Thanks for always entertaining! Check it out here: http://erinhasthoughts.com/2013/02/13/3529/


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